No Harm = Not Enough
“Values” investing that simply removes “toxic” assets (fossil fuels, private prisons, arms, etc) from portfolios is misleading. It perpetuates the fallacy that investing ethically necessitates lower returns and doesn’t actually solve anything.
Outcomes vs Optics
Investing in women usually centers on the gender of the c-suite or board members rather than on MEASURABLE benefits directly impacting women, AT SCALE. In other words, priority is on optics not real economic outcomes.
Scale Up or Go Home
Impact vehicles delivering measurable results mostly work at a smaller scale. Few cross the $100M threshold and most are focused on early stage rather than existing, healthy, scalable businesses best poised to grow and last.
Our investment approach is focused, differentiated and scalable. BRAVA seeks compelling investments that achieve broad-based economic impact for women leveraging a platform of domain experts, thought leaders & gender equality advocates via a flexible, long-term & permanently capitalized holding company structure.